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Thread: A New Question For All Members (From Sara)

  1. #16
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hello Sara,

    the site is excellent, its the first one I found that I really liked. The variety and open-ness of the posts reflects on how well you run it, although it does need a firm hand at times! It would be good if more watchers posted their angle on the topics.

    Aggie X

  2. #17
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Cheese Louise, I don't know how you put up with us (especially me -- no, wait! -- especially Inqy!!!), so i's somewhat outside the realm of how my brain works to even consider the question, "Do we want Sara to stay our beloved and much-adored Moderator for, like, ever?"

    Near as I can tell, the answer is, "I can not tell a lie, Jim. I have doubted some of your decisions in the past, but I have always come to the conclusion that you were right."

    If I were you, I would continue as long as it is rewarding to you. If I were me, I'd continue to wonder why they haven't put you on a salary.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  3. #18
    Big Supporter David_B's Avatar
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    Where am I
    I would also like you to continue as moderator, Sara, if it is a task that you still enjoy. You are fair and strict in equal balance. You're doing an excellent job.

    David B.

  4. #19
    Junior Member high_voice's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    I basically come here to read your replies!


    If you weren't on this board, I never would have joined. Your "got'em by the balls picture" combined with your posts are the main reason I check the forum.

    Keep up the excellent work!

  5. #20
    Junior Member
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    southern connecticut

    I have great respect

    for your efforts and have no criticisims. There are many boards that are completely unusable because of the spam or flaming. Looking at the end product of what we have here and the great collection of like-minded people here I would say don't mess with success. No one likes to be censored but once we earn your respect as a valued poster we would hope that we are given a little more latitude as well. Sara is a rare treashure in my book.

  6. #21
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2005
    sadistic sara.. your the best thing to happen to BB since asian women lol

  7. #22
    Junior Member
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    New Jersey, USA
    Sara, this a great board and your moderating skills are such an important part of it. I and so many others appreciate the work you do. Thank you so much.

  8. #23
    Senior Member play with my plums's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    This is my question for all members:
    Would you like me to continue as Moderator of this "Ballbusting World" Forum or not? And why?
    YES but only if you find some reward or happiness from it!

    I'd rather see you here, on a possibly chaotic mess of a site, as just a happy occasional poster, than as an unhappy administrator, keeping things as organized as is humanly possible for a vocally appreciative few. I value you as a person too highly for that, I hope you do too.

    That said if you were to retire as moderator we would all feel a great loss & although I like to think that there's enough sense & BB interest in a lot of us to keep posting here & ignore the comments of a bickering few, I'm sure other members would slip away in search of another quality BB forum with another amazing administrator but lets face it there is only one & it's this one & it's because of YOU!

    I'll never forget how much you helped me when I first got up the drunken courage to join this site & how lucky I felt I was & it was, to have such a thoughtful administrator. Not only that but an extremely intelligent & articulate person with impressive computer & organizational skills, with many other exceptional quality's to boot. I don't think there's ever been a more qualified person for a position before but still, as you've noticed "you can't please all of the people all of the time!" Including me and I really don't think there's any point in my trying to offer you any constructive criticism here as another person would most likely have (and say) the opposite view on it! So I just hope that you choose to carry on making (hopefully, happily) sensible decisions on behalf of the masses whilst tolerating & advising the errors/indiscretions of a few, to remain the BEST MODERATOR, on any Ball busting site, EVER!

  9. #24
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Pleaeaease keep going

    Please Sadistic Sara, continue to moderate this board, you do it better than anybody else could do!


  10. #25


    Thanks to all for the "vote of confidence"!
    I said above "I'm not quitting as moderator."
    And I wasn't going to quit. I liked being moderator.
    Unfortunately, we've all been overruled by Sharon.
    My version of 'why' probably wouldn't be the same as Sharon's version, so I probably shouldn't explain. I think Sharon would feel offended if I explained.
    That's all for now.

    - Sara

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Even as a normal user i'm sure youll still have at least some control over the men of the board anyway lol. BTW i'm new. G'day

  12. #27
    Administrator's Avatar
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    Dec 2000


    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    Thanks to all for the "vote of confidence"!
    I said above "I'm not quitting as moderator."
    And I wasn't going to quit. I liked being moderator.
    Unfortunately, we've all been overruled by Sharon.
    My version of 'why' probably wouldn't be the same as Sharon's version, so I probably shouldn't explain. I think Sharon would feel offended if I explained.
    That's all for now.

    - Sara

    Sara i just read and replied to your PM and see you afterwards posted this

    You are right we do not agree about several things on how we wish to deal with people and our boards.

    As you requested us in a PM to moderate for you this month i dont know what you mean was overruled.

    I have written and replied in emails and PMs until recently
    where you took it out in the diffrent threads on our boards.

    It would be great to read the misundestandings
    you say there was.... in the email you promised to send 5-6 days ago.
    Sara please do that instead of in the diffrent threads here on our boards.
    Best Regards
    Team Femaledom

  13. #28


    Hi Sara,

    Please see the last reply above this post.

    It means you should contact me by email

  14. #29
    Sorry SS but I cannot reply to your PM. My guess is yer box is full to the brim with supportive messages from all your friends here. . I think we all know how quickly the forum will dissolve into mud-slinging anarchic chaos without a firm hand as administrator. It should be clear to Sharon & Co. by now that everybody on the forum appreciates your efforts. Take care and make sure u stick around (in wotever capacity).

  15. #30
    Big Supporter
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    Mar 2005

    I hope you continue as moderator. You are doing an excellent job. You keep the forum orderly and fun. And I speak as someone you terminated in a former iteration (poolman) for ignorantly violating the forum's rules re posting procedure.


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