Quote Originally Posted by bbbb View Post
Absolutely, which is precisely why I am anti-feminist; I want men & women treated as full equals, not selective equality when only for women's benefit or men's detriment which is what feminists currently push for.
The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

Hate to break it to you, but if you want equality, you're a feminist. You just don't want to associate yourself with feminists because you mistakenly think a minority of extremists speak for the entire group.

All I've seen from you is pretty much ignore questions you don't want to answer, blame men for issues you do manage to respond to and trivialize issues faced by men and fully deny a shred of responsibility on feminism's part for any & all issues.

Ask me any questions you like. And of course I deny that feminism is responsible for all the issues you say it creates. You are the one blaming the movement, you provide the evidence.

Here are some feminists demanding men not speak about their issues whilst simultaneously blaming men for everything. The final link is a collection of screen-grabs from a feminist board discussing poisoning men & (pregnant with male babies) women as well as other means of killing off men... but those jesting feminists ain't man-haters, of course

You mean some women are angry when instead of working towards equality men try and make everything about them, despite being incredibly privileged in society? No kidding.

And of course there are random nutters all over the internet. You are the one saying that represents every single person who describes themselves as a feminist. It doesn't.