You claim that feminists don't want 'true equality' because they don't campaign for the rights of men. Since you apparently want 'true equality' can I assume that you campaign equally for both men and women's issues?

Also, your list of 'female privileges' is really creepy in the way it keeps referring to a woman's 'mating value'. Ugh, lets not think of women as actual people, they are just babymaking factories that are all out to bleed men of money and respect! 90% of them are also hilariously wrong. Women have full reproductive rights? Have you been to America lately? Men have to join the army? Not in most developed nations. This is particularly good:

"If I go to a club or bar with my girlfriends and I look my sexy best I have a right to be perturbed when men approach me and hit on me in this public place."

Really? Women have the right to be annoyed when men won't leave them alone? That is considered a privilege? Let's ignore the fact that thinking they have the right to approach any woman anywhere is an extremely good example of a male priviledge...