I observe all of my questions have been ignored, yet again. I observe that you decline to acknowledge a single point, yet again. I observe that you instead opt to continue blaming men.
Check out drivers license application forms in USA - it states you have tick here if you're male. You cannot get a driving license unless you give permission to be called up for the draft. Men also can't get college loans without accepting the possibility of being called into the draft. There are many other examples.

Maybe if you made your questions a little clearer? I searched your enormous post for question marks and only found a couple that weren't in youtube links or rhetorical questions. If you have a question please make it clear and I will do my best to answer it.

Regarding the draft, the chances of there ever being one in the USA are incredibly small. Regardless feminists have been campaigning to fight on the military front lines for a long time, with only recent success. Surely the fact that women are campaigning for the same right to fight as men takes away from the whole 'men have to fight for the country' idea? Seems like a lot of women would love the same rights. If that came with the formality of registering for selective service then fine. Again, its a system that was set up decades ago when the idea of women in the military was unthinkable. Now women want to be in the military and they face enormous resistance. You can't claim that not having to fight is a 'female privilege' when plenty of men are actively trying to keep them from doing so.

MRA's have rallied behind women too, many MRA's are in fact ex-feminists who became sick and tired of the misandry & sexism of the (feminist) movement.

Can you provide some examples of MRA's campaigning for women's issues? Should be easy if they are for total equality.

Approaching someone is not a privilege you numpty LOL. It's called social interaction. If you talk to women, most normal ones prefer the man to do the approaching - leaving them the option to walk or take him up.

Talk to some women. A huge amount find going to a nightclub a mixed experience at best due to the constant barrage of guys hitting on them. Why do so many end up going to gay clubs? Simply because they can't make it stop. If all men were polite and took no for an answer it wouldn't be a problem, but acting like women shouldn't have the right to be pissed off at unwanted advances is pretty sexist. It implies that a man can then get mad at her if he gets rejected, and a lot of them do making it a pretty scary experience for some women. Have you ever had to reject fifteen drunken advances a night from unpredictable strangers that are all bigger and stronger than you? It's not fun. All human beings have the right to be upset if intimidating people keep bothering them.

Now, I'll just repeat ONE question from my last post...

"What? Please quote the precise words rather than putting words in my mouth - aka lying... again."

Certainly. You said:

"The slutwalk teaches women to put themselves in compromising positions then cry victim when/if something does happen. Similar logic would be me running down the street with a megaphone shouting "I've got money, har har har, I'm really rich and have lots of spare cash - come n' grab some if you can, losers!" Obviously, you'd tell me I was asking to be mugged... and you'd be right."

You basically said that if a woman is in a 'compromising position' (I have no idea what this is - walking down the street maybe?) then it's the same thing as you 'asking to be mugged'. Presumably she is 'asking to be raped'. You are blaming the victim for failing to prevent their attack.