Quote Originally Posted by Richter View Post
I can see into the future. They both want to be at this until the other quits ("Thereby making me the victor! Hee hee!"). So it's going to go on a long, long time. Everyone's done what they can to make it clear how stupid and unwanted this jerkoff contest is between them. But they're too stupid to see it for what it is. So they'll keep doing it, quoting each other and responding. In their head they'll think "I'm picking apart his arguments so meticulously and thoroughly" while skimming his opponents rebuttals, not realizing his opponent is doing the same.

In the end, nothing will change. People like this lead very very sad lives and continue to lead their very very sad lives after it happens. Neither one can acknowledge that they are just in a flame war with an idiot on a ballbusting fetish board about feminism when neither one is a woman. If they acknowledge the reality of the situation, they have to accept their own stupidity for being such an enormous part of it. So, denial, and continue the pointless fight. There's no chance to win. There's no reason to win. But giving up means looking in the mirror at what they really are. Losers.

You can't fix stupid