Quote Originally Posted by Richter View Post
Uh huh. Has nothing to do with the fact that every time one of your tools update, the thread jumps up to the top and pushes everything else down. You got that I started this thread before you mouth breathers decided to start making tender love to each other, right? That's another reason I'd prefer you knuckle draggers to wake up and realize you aren't wanted here. I was hoping the Spider-man shit (and the cool wikipedia thing someone else started) would clue you nancy boys in that you're being ridiculous.

The more you flame me though, you warthog faced buffoon, is the more I draw you off topic and into the absurd, which dies out much quicker than blind arrogance.
So do you have a repetitive strain injury that prevents you scrolling past this thread or are you just insanely optimistic that we had started posting about the cosmo article after 5 pages of other discussion?

The funny part is you don't seem to realise that your posts bump up the thread as quickly as mine. I guess if this really was about killing the thread rather than being an arrogant dickhead on the internet you won't be replying to me again. After all that would be the quickest way to let things die out. Unless you are worried about such petty things as having the last word in an internet argument?