Quote Originally Posted by help please View Post
A women kicking a man in the groin will turn me on beyond belief of corse, but It turns me on even more if a woman or a man kicks a woman in the groin and nothing happens. What about you guys? Since there are very few videos if any on this stuff, I usually go to martial arts forums on female groin guards. Usually there are some pretty hot debates as to weather women actually need groin protection. and you can get stuff like this....

"Hmm...I'm female and have tried it in fights with other females (when I was a teen). It doesn't do much...very ineffective tactic"


"I have been kicked in the groin to the point of wondering if I was bruised there, so let me tell you that women don't feel any where NEAR the amount of pain that men apparently feel there. Our reproductive organs are all nicely tucked inside and well guarded by our pelvic bone, thank you. Guys don't seem to even like to have theirs jiggled too much. "

I think the term is "cunt busting". The old velvet kick I think had some of this. I have a clip where one guy (who is famous for getting busted) is allowed to kick the usual female kicker. She just laughs. HAve you seen this one? It is very old...