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Thread: Cowgirls Performing **********

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    Well, it might have been 'cause they were 'relaxed,' since they were sedated. I read somewhere that it just kind of flops out when they're mellow. ...either that, or maybe it was a last ditch effort at some fun? XD

    How big was it?

    They were about 2" - 21/2" in dia.

    Made me think immediately about that old story or pornopics of ponies mounting women - wow - not for me, but for ladies that have never had a big one perhaps !!!

  2. #242
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    "Proding" the Memory

    Quote Originally Posted by Pupuce View Post
    Got to say that thread is awesome, mostly thank to Becki.

    Keep on the good job turning us on. =)

    Thanks Pupuce, nice of you to say so, but I am only a small part of the show here, I would love to hear more from guys & gals about their interests in **********, what turns you on, I mean in addition to rolling up the long sleeve shirt (mine are already rolled up).

    Seems like I have forgotten half of what we did at the ranch, questions do "prod" the memory. I love that word "prod", can any of you eunuchs still "prod" a woman?

  3. #243
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    Stud Horses Smelling Wet Women Pussy

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    Usually animals can smell better than humans. I think they could somewhat smell the girls' wet pussies, that's why they got somewhat hard. I think that if becky place herself near thier noses, they would get full hard and cum.

    Thats interesting MiniBoi, I kinda wondered about that too, since at least some of us were very wet.

    I do know you are right about animals having a more sensitive sense of smell (but they actually smell worse , sorry, couldnt resist that )

    I dont know about horses for sure but I do know my wet pussy used to get my dog hot as hell and he would hump my leg raw, that is till I had his nuts cut out.

    See, we can all take our dogs & cats to the vet & have their nuts cut out any time we want too. I wish we could do that with our boyfriends too !!!

    BTW, speaking of cum, one of the things we did there was collect cum from bulls & horses for artificial insemination. These were pure bred animals just for breeding, the special few guys that got to keep their knockers and use them regularly as well.

    Anyone ever done that? I guess that would not be a proper topic for this thread tho?

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    - So how big is your trophy package want2b?
    - Has it been mutilated with your BB play, needles, weight hanging, tortures?
    - How many nuts 0, 1, 2, 3? (yes, I knew a boy once that had 3, atl least for a while).
    - Any scars or tatoos on the scrotum sac?
    becki, yes my balls have been mutilated but still work. You guessed right they've been needled, almost to death lol and when they arn't swollen and I can get my parachute around them, I hang 15-30 lbs from them. I have two that arn't scared or tatooed however the sack has strected from hnaging weights from it. I hope it doesn't detract from chances of being *********. I'm having some computer problems and can't post pics right now until I get it sorted out, but in some of my previous posts there are pics of my needled balls and with parachute with weights.

  5. #245
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    [QUOTE=becki2shoe;35141]My, my, pet, so you are trainable after all !!!
    You may make a good eunuch yet !!

    I knew you must have some kind of smarts with all the questions you ask
    - very weird, very rude, very whacko, but with some kind of smarts
    - good to see you limit yourself to 1 very complex question instead of the whole world, so maybe you are trainable.

    Thats the important part of a good eunuch you knnow
    - being trainable for something USEFUL to your OWNER (rather than yourself)[QUOTE]

    I think I'm trainable, at least I hope so. And I already have skills that would be useful to the lady who owns me. Maybe you would find them useful too and maybe you would decide to keep me for yourself.

    [QUOTE=becki2shoe]How I would go about it:
    My experience with men is that if I want a good slave, and thats how I view a eunuch - a good slave first, that is then *********, so I first ******** his mind, ******** him mentally, emotionally, psychologically, before I ever start on his balls. This is the most important part.[QUOTE]

    I'm sure mental, emotional, psychological ********** at your hands is very important too in making a good eunuch. And while you are ********** me psychologically, you could could also torture my balls threatening to ******** me physically and telling me how terrifying and painful it will be and telling me what I will be and will be like after you cut my nuts out. That would make the psychological ********** more powerful, intense, and complete. In fact Goddess Becki you are already ********** me mentally and emtionally and psychologically and doing a supreme job of ********** my mind.

    [QUOTE=becki2shoe]How long would it take me to ******** you:
    From what I have read from you so far - it would take a very long time to ******** you properly.

    - second, you have not demonstrated any good lady's eunuch skills, major training effort required there. I am not a "pro domme" I need a eunuch that can DO something for ME other than just kneel at my feet & worship me or lay in a cage all day.[QUOTE]

    Like I said, I do have skills that any lady who owns me, including you, would find very usefull. I admit I'm not good at cooking, but I'm very very good at other household chores. I'm good at cleaning house and housekeeping chores and I love to clean and keep the house neat, clean, and organized. I'm also especially good at gardening and yardwork maintaining a beautiful yard and garden and keeping my Goddess in fresh produce all summer long.

    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoes
    third, cutting your balls out (which is all you seem interested in of all this) would take a lot longer than a routine ********** because it would be for my pleasure and the pleasure of my girlfriends.

    Goddess Becki, you underestimate the importance of this part. In my very being and in my inner psyche the actual cutting my balls out is the most important step in your ********** not only my body but in your ********** my mind and inner being. As you well know, this is the final step in which my source of male hormones and my manhood are removed and destroyed at your hands, the final step in which I am transformed from being a man a male, to being a sterile impotent eunuch at your hands. It is very extremely powerful and total. I am re-created at your hands by you for your own use and purpose as if being created all over again by The Goddess Herself.

    So everything about this final step is extremely important, how when and where it is done, who else will be there, how you will be dressed, how you do perform the ********** surgery, how long it takes you to perform the ********** surgery, and so on.

    My being strapped down helpless to your gelding table wearing a long sleeve shirt with my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves, seeing the surgical instruments and seeing you standing over me wearing a long sleeve shirt watching you rolling your sleeves up above your elbows and knowing you are going to ******** me and there is no way I can escape, knowing I'm fully at your mercy and then being surgically ********* at your hands for your pleasure and that of your girlfriends. All that is extremely important in you turning me into your perfect eunuch.

    That is why I wanted you to describe what you look like so I would have some idea of what I would see when I look up at you from your gelding table. That's why I wanted you to please describe how you would go about ********** me, describing the surgical procedure you would perform on me to cut my nuts out, what all you would do to me while you are performing the ********** procedures one me, and why I wanted to know how long it would take you to perform the ********** surgery on me and what it would be like for me while you are doing it and my manhood is being destroyed at your hands.

    This final step is the most important part of my transformation from man and male to sterile impotent eunuch at your hands Goddess Becki, that's why I wanted to know these things.

    I appologise for the length and detail of my posts here, but I'm a very very detail oriented person, not just about this but about everything in my life.

  6. #246
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    That's why I wanted you to please describe how you would go about ********** me,

    No, I'm pretty sure you want her to describe it so that you can whack off while reading it.

    Just saying, y'know, be honest.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Thats interesting MiniBoi, I kinda wondered about that too, since at least some of us were very wet.

    I do know you are right about animals having a more sensitive sense of smell (but they actually smell worse , sorry, couldnt resist that )

    I dont know about horses for sure but I do know my wet pussy used to get my dog hot as hell and he would hump my leg raw, that is till I had his nuts cut out.

    See, we can all take our dogs & cats to the vet & have their nuts cut out any time we want too. I wish we could do that with our boyfriends too !!!

    BTW, speaking of cum, one of the things we did there was collect cum from bulls & horses for artificial insemination. These were pure bred animals just for breeding, the special few guys that got to keep their knockers and use them regularly as well.

    Anyone ever done that? I guess that would not be a proper topic for this thread tho?
    I posted a video of a woman collecting semen from a pig for the 1st time, just for you Becky. It's a TV show, and if I remember correctly she was David Beckam's girlfriend:

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Could do. Depending on who throws it and how good a shot. Also, how tough the man's balls are.

    Good point tho, I will have to try doing BB with bull balls, never thought of that.

    Hmmmm, lets see, I think I will first try squeezing a man's balls between 2 bull balls, then ...
    If you try to squeeze a man's balls one against the other then they will allways escape/slip, but since the bull balls are so big then I guess a man's ball will have nowhere to escape. If you try it, tell me if the man's ball manged to escape and beat you or not

  9. #249
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    Speaking of TV shows and balls, there was a TV show called “I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here”, and in that show one of the trials was to eat a kangaroo testicle, Sophie Anderton was having difficulties biting the ball but she didn’t want to lose so then she bit real hard and suddenly the ball popped, but I mean even with a loud popping sound! No bullshit!
    And it seems that is Fear Factor, reindeer balls also popped with a sound in the mouths of the contestants!
    Has anyone got these videos?
    Becky, have you ever popped a ball?

  10. #250
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    They were about 2" - 21/2" in dia.

    Made me think immediately about that old story or pornopics of ponies mounting women - wow - not for me, but for ladies that have never had a big one perhaps !!!
    Yikes...I'm a size queen, but I don't know about that! Maybe if we trim the length a little bit...
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    Yikes...I'm a size queen, but I don't know about that! Maybe if we trim the length a little bit...

    Me too! I agree size DOES matter, I mean if you can't feel it why botther, who ever started that "size doesn't matter" business just never had a big one, we should be able to trim for length tho - that can hurt, not good

  12. #252
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    A size queen ? What does that mean more exactly ? :P

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Me too! I agree size DOES matter, I mean if you can't feel it why botther, who ever started that "size doesn't matter" business just never had a big one, we should be able to trim for length tho - that can hurt, not good
    Now I'm imagining a horse dong at my disposal to take a pair of shears to...
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  14. #254
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    Trying to figure it out and understand it.

    In all seriousness, for a long time now I have had the feeling that there is more to my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes than just some kind of sexual gratification and wank off material.

    For a long time I have felt there is something I'm searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes, something that's a lot more than just the physical thing of a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows cutting my nuts out and her physically destroying my manhood. I don't know if what I'm really searching for involves a woman with her sleeves rolled up cutting my nuts out. But for some reason that is the form it has taken in my mind, that's what appears on the surface, but what I'm really searching for through these fantasies and fetishes is something more and deeper than that.

    When someone has a fantasy or fetish that is a big thing to them and it's one they have had for a long time as a major thing, then I think there is something that person is searching for through that fantasy and through those fetishes.

    I'm trying to find out and sort out what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes and how to go about finding it. That's what I'm doing with the things I post here about it and with the replies I get to my posts. I just feel there's something I'm searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes, something more than what appears on the surface. So through my posts here about it and the replies I get to my posts, I'm trying to figure out what it is I'm really searching for through them and how to find it.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    Hey Becki, have you ever done horses?
    Snoodle, here is a link to a video showing a horse **********. I think you might like it. I hope the link works.

    I just love it how the balls are squeezed out after a small cut is made. They seem so powerful and big and then they are just cut out and throughn to the ground like they are useless.

    I can imagine that doing it to a man must be very similar to that.

    Becky, Snoodle I just love it that you are both size queens. What do you consider a nice lenght and do you think men smaller then this should be *********?

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