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Thread: Cowgirls Performing **********

  1. #391
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    Youtube is fucked up right now.
    This is so true !!! Youtube is fucked up !

    They delete video's without any warning or backup facility !

    Many governments and organisations put pressure on websites like youtube to delete all sorts of video's. The number 1 threath against a website is being blocked by filters.

    Like pakistan that is now blocking access to youtube, because they do not delete video's that mock islam.

    If youtube will allow adult content, then adult filters will list youtube. And youtube might not be accessed from your work/school etc... This is how people try ( and with success ) to bring censorship to the internet. All internet users should be properly educated in how to avoid filters by using proxy. If you want to watch porn at your work, you should. If you want to download some good porn at school, you should. Fuck these filters.

    If big fish like youtube give in to censorship then online freedom is lost. In my opinion the internet should always be and remain free, anonymous and unlimited by laws.

    We should all keep uploading pornography and similar content to all websites that block content. And do it in a way youtube and others cant easily track and delete the content. For instance download a mary poppins musical video, edit in some cumshots and double penetration after 1 minute. And then upload it to youtube. Of course showing a clear message during the porn what is the intention behind uploading the video.

    If millions of users do this, youtube will have to give in and find a decent way to allow adult content.

    And what has animal ********** to do with adult content ? Bastards dont even give a valid reason for deleting content. They just show a default message.
    Pornography = boring.

  2. #392
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post

    And what has animal ********** to do with adult content ?
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  3. #393
    Supreme Poster Bok the Gargoyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    We should all keep uploading pornography and similar content to all websites that block content. And do it in a way youtube and others cant easily track and delete the content.

    In my opinion the internet should always be and remain free, anonymous and unlimited by laws.
    Wots yer view on kiddy porn Mick? I assume you think this is OK?

  4. #394
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok the Gargoyle View Post
    Wots yer view on kiddy porn Mick? I assume you think this is OK?
    That is a good question. I will try to answer it from my point of view.

    Because where do you draw the line ? If you allow censorship for anything then you can apply censorship to everything.

    Sexual abuse of children is disgusting and therefore also illegal. Spreading material that shows the sexual abuse of children is also not ethical, because it is extremely hurtful to the victims(and their families) to see themselves all over the internet being sexually abused.

    I am 100% against censorship, so I think yes everything should be allowed.

    But I do think it is very sad people do this to children, even makes me very angry. But there are so many more things I see on the internet that make me very sad and angry. Like people getting killed or stuff like that.

    About pedophiles watching childporn, they will find some way to get what they want. And if they can share childporn legally online, police can more easily track down the victims and also the abusers and bring them to justice, so that is a good thing. Because these people need to be punished.

    About non-pedophile people watching childporn. I do not think it is possible to become a pedophile from seeing childporn. In a same way it is not possible to become a homosexual from seeing gayporn. When browsing the internet I have seen alot of porn, some websites (including this forum) also put some gay porn on their website. I do not like it, and I am pretty sure I will never become gay by having seen gay porn !

    A major objection against childporn is also that if you would allow it online, people might think it is legal. That is I think the biggest objection against childporn. So I am glad childporn is being deleted, although I am 100% against censorship.

    This is the ********** topic... -> lets get on topic.
    I think all those men that go to Thailand and Malaysia etc... they should be followed by international police and put in jail for a very long time when they have sex with children it is sick. Especially when they have sex with little boys who have been turned into girls by surgical operation.

    I think the surgeons who do these operations, to turn little boys into 'little girls' these surgeons should be ********* themselves ! And of course put in jail so they can never do such thing again.

    I find it disturbing that western countries allow such practices to go on. We do not want pedophiles to **** our own children, but it is ok when our pedophiles go abroad and **** foreign children ???

    So instead of applying censorship to the internet, do some effort in arresting and prosecuting the pedophiles.
    Pornography = boring.

  5. #395
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    Two things.

    To begin with. I think child porn and sex with children is about as sick as you can get, child pornography and and anything having to do with sex and children is the sickest of the sick and must be stopped. It is abuse where the abused is totally innocent and has no way to fight back or protect themselves. All of this is stuff children must be protected from. Very often the abused child grows up to become an abuser, so it is becomes a continuous cycle and it is a cycle that needs to be ended.

    The second thing is that is not what this thread is about. Child pornography and sexual abuse of children and protecting children from this abuse is a very important issue, important enough that it should have its own thread. So if you are going to talk about this topic someone please start a special thread just for this.

  6. #396
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    So if you are going to talk about this topic
    The Gargoyle brought it up. I had and have no intention to discuss it any further. Just think it is decent to answer people in a proper way.

    Youtube has decided to mark animal ********** as adult content and sometimes even deletes video's for no apparent reason. That is where the discussion on censorship came from.

    My advice: If you see video's on youtube you really like, download them as back-up, so they do not have the absolute power to decide if content disappears from the internet.

    I could set up a website: , then people who have downloaded movies from youtube for back-up could leave their e-mail adress. People who are in search for deleted movies could visit the website and enter the deleted URL ( for example: ) in a search textfield.
    Then the website shows if the requested link has been back-up by other users, if so... the visitor can request those people to upload the deleted movie, without revealing anyone's email-adresses.

    The people who made a backup receive a notification in their email to upload the specific movie. And a link to the website to notify the URL where it has been uploaded. Then the visitors who requested the deleted content receive an email with the URL where to download the movie. Problem fixed... fuck youtube and censorship.

    Back on topic: has anyone got the movie for me ??? It shows 2 brazilian women ********** a bull. Youtube bastards deleted it. And I cant seem to find my backup.
    Pornography = boring.

  7. #397
    Big Supporter T-Lo G's Avatar
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    Crazy Muthafuckas

    Mick I feel you on the child porn shit. That's sick, but then you want to see a bull get *********. That's also sick. You think the bull wants its dick sliced off. That's some crazy shit. You cats are out there. They make me out to be weird cause I like to be bitten by women or see someone get bitten by a hot chick. Oh well, to each his own.(cept for that kiddie porn shit)

  8. #398
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-Lo G View Post
    Mick you want to see a bull get *********. That's also sick.
    First of all : Yeah it is sick.
    Have you seen those movies on the internet where people are sliced up in pieces after having trafic accidents ? Check for example.
    Well I dont want to see such material, but I guess watching animal ********** is the same. You watch it and are totally amazed/shocked by the content.

    About ethics: I would not make an appointment with a vet and have an animal ********* to be able to make pictures of it. That is sick and sadistic and that is crossing the line in my point of view. In my opinion animal ********** is cruel and sadistic and it should be banned !

    But people are ********** animals on a daily basis. And apparently it is the most normal thing in the world to do. So why is it not ok, if I want to watch it ? And I do not at all get aroused by watching the balls being cut off. Video's where guys cut off balls does nothing for me. For me it is seeing how a woman just takes the balls in her hand and just castrates.

    You might call it sick, it probably is, but that makes me very sexually aroused.
    Pornography = boring.

  9. #399
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    And no, I do not at all want to get ********* myself, like Castratrix's pet.
    I am proud of my manhood and I take good care of it.
    Pornography = boring.

  10. #400
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    For someone to ******** an animal for a human's sexual enjoyment is wrong and sick. When male animals are ********* it is done for practical reasons such as controlling breeding, eliminating objectionable male sexual behaviors so they can be handled some of which can make large male farm animals dangerous. I'm sure most of those involved in ********** male animals try to do it as humanely as possible.

    I am totally turned off seeing a man performing a **********. But there is something very arousing to me about seeing a girl or a woman performing a **********. I imagine that I am the male she is ********** and that it is my manhood being destroyed at her hands.

    There is something very spiritual to me about ********** performed by a girl or a woman. In my femdom ********** fantasies ********** and the destruction of my manhood at the hands of a girl or a woman is a very spiritual experience as if God is female and the castratrix herself is God.

    I was wondering mick sl8ter, do you have any pictures right at hand that you could add here?

  11. #401

  12. #402
    Big Supporter Busted Balz's Avatar
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    Wow that was slow and painful to watch.

  13. #403
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    In My Pants
    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    And no, I do not at all want to get ********* myself, like Castratrix's pet.
    I am proud of my manhood and I take good care of it.
    Don't be shy! Let a woman take you to the edge -- literally. Unkowning if she will really do it or not is the best thrill.

  14. #404
    Big Supporter T-Lo G's Avatar
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    Bite them off!!!

    Maybe if she bites them off I could find that arousing. It's the wild animal kinda vibe to it. She forcefully spreads your legs open, opens her mouth wide to show you all of her pearly whites, then chomps down on your balls and shakes like a pit bull and rips them off with her teeth.

    You know like some child molester gets caught and they tie him down and have a chick bite his balls off. That would be some shit. Payback

    no knives, no scissors or sharp instruments. Just her teeth.

  15. #405
    Senior Member
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    they do it ...
    i think ist better with such nice balls ...


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