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Thread: Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!}

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  1. #1


    -- All Members:

    Please report first-time posters who post something TRIVIAL (like a single word, just a smiley, or something "silly" or off-topic) with the apparent intention of being promoted from "Registered User" to "Member", in order to view/download posted pics full-size.

    They waste YOUR time by appearing as a "new post" that you think might be worth checking out, as well as cluttering the Forum with junk posts.

    You can report them to me by clicking on the triangular yellow icon that says "Report Bad Post" (at the lower left of the offending post), and writing in the reporting box the exact reason why you're reporting the post. I'll deal with them and their "junk posts" VERY promptly.
    The button I'm talking about looks like this:

    -- I receive the message you type in the "Bad Post Reports", along with a link to the post, by email shortly after you send it to me. This enables me to take SWIFT action, even if I otherwise weren't planning to check new posts on the Forum for another day or two.

    Report bad/junk posts to me and I'll personally 'virtually' ******** (castigate? ) the poster (by permanently banning them from the forums if necessary).

    (I've already banned 10 members so far this week for posting such garbage.)

    For lesser offences or violations I'll just delete the bad post and give the poster another chance.

    I want to do what is best to maintain this Forum the way YOU want it to be -- with YOUR help and cooperation (please).


    - Sara

  2. #2
    Big Supporter Takkyuu_tama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara

    Report bad/junk posts to me and I'll personally 'virtually' ******** (castigate? ) the poster (by permanently banning them from the forums if necessary).

    I don't know if **********'s a useful threat in these forums; you might get a rash of new crappy posts
    It's like the 18th-century english bridge, still marked with a notice that any graffiti would result in the perpetrator getting sent to Australia. Douglas Adams marveled that the bridge wasn't covered in spray paint by now.

    When the masochist yelled, "Beat me, Beat me!" what did the sadist do?

  3. #3


    Good point, Takkyuu tama.
    My attempt at being witty outran my intentions.
    I should have left that paragraph out and just appealed to all members to help me keep the Forum junk-free by reporting bad posts to me.
    I hadn't heard that one about the bridge though. Good one!
    - Sara

  4. #4
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    My attempt at being witty outran my intentions.
    I should have left that paragraph out and just appealed to all members to
    Now, now - you should never regret having implied/made a ********** threat around here. It's that kind of talk that keeps us coming back.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  5. #5
    However, if your only post is something trivial like a smilie, your post will be DELETED and you will be returned to "Registered User" status.

    Off-topic posts and short posts with insignificant content (such as just posting "I agree") are considered Trivial and will also be subject to deletion. Instead of just posting "I agree", for example, take a few minutes to explain how or why. Explain and elaborate a bit, to make your post worth reading.


    First post here and I really need something sorted out for me, so I dont end up getting banned or returned to 'registered user' as I do tend to waffle a bit and am bound to end up going off topic at some stage

    In the above post from the Administrator it is made fairly clear that off topic stuff in enough to get it deleted and your staus returned to how it was when u first started, that bit is pretty clear so far The question I need to ask is, and here is where I will probably start to waffle

    1. I looked at the posts that got the other two on this thread banned, and yes they were off topic, but they were BANNED not just sent back to 'registered user' as is stated above. So, do you get banned or returned to 'registered user'???

    2. One person only has one post one there name, the other has two. Did the second one do something else to get them banned instead of just sent back to 'registered user'???

    3. If I was to post an off topic post, would I be banned immediately, or would I get a warning first, like, 'first strike and your out'???

    I hope someone can clear this up, as what is said and what appears to have happened are two totally different things.



  6. #6


    Hi Julie

    Welcome, and thanks for posting.

    Yes, there was some discrepancy there.

    At least I'm going ahead with banning members who have never posted anything, after giving them a few months to do so. A few at a time, whenever I have some spare time.

    My original idea also included deleting trivial/junk posts by first-time posters who were just posting to get promoted from "Registered User" to "Member, so they could view/download pics.
    Deleting their only post would have returned them to "Registered User" status again.

    In theory, that would have been fine.
    But after trying it out on the new Forum (which was a major upgrade from the old Forum) after October 1st, 2004, I discovered a problem.

    A "Member" demoted to "Registered User" retained certain privileges that should be reserved for "Members". That's because of the way the software of the new Forum is programmed, and that can't be changed by Moderators or Administrators.
    That was unacceptable.

    I therefore had to switch from simply deleting "garbage" posts by first-time posters to banning them.
    That's the only way to completely strip them of their privileges as "Members".
    They would then have the option of signing up again under another username and starting from scratch.
    I've edited the post at the top of this page slightly to update a line that you quoted.
    Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    1.) Sooo....... First-time posters who post garbage to get promoted will be banned. They will not be demoted first. Their only warning will be reading this thread.

    2.) The banned member that you mention with two posts actually had posted 4 times. 3 of the 4 were "garbage" posts. I banned him after seeing his 4th post (above) and also deleted 2 of his other "junk" posts. I left his 4th post here as an example for others to see.
    (His counter indicates 2 posts because I deleted 2 of his 4 posts.)

    Another example: One user (above) posted the single word "hello" in several different threads as his only posts. He was banned.

    Another example: One user just posted "mmmm" in a thread as his only post. It was completely off-topic and meaningless, so he was banned.

    Another example: One user posted something like "I'm posting this so I can download the pics now!". He was banned.

    Members had complained to me about the posts of these banned members that I've mentioned. Why? When they logged in, they saw new posts in threads and eagerly went to see what had been posted. Pure junk. A waste of time for all members who were expecting to read a new post. Just garbage cluttering the Forum.

    3.) Before I ban a member I check their other posts, if there are any.
    A member who has already posted acceptable messages will likely only have their "garbage" post deleted. A possible exception would be if their 2nd (or 3rd.......) post were something obnoxiously taunting like (for example) : "I'm just posting this to see how long it takes to be deleted, ha, ha!". I'd likely delete that post AND ban the poster.

    Am I too strict? I don't think so.
    A) I'm enforcing a Rule that all members agreed to when they signed up. Namely: Members must post in order to view/download pics. Inactive accounts will be deleted.
    B) I'm trying to keep the Forum free of junk posts because the Members of the Forum don't want to waste their time reading garbage that just takes up space in their Threads.

    Anyway, this Forum is for the Members to use, enjoy, exchange ideas, pics, links and so on...
    A member who posts something shouldn't worry about being banned as long as they respect the rights of the other members, and provided they don't violate the Rules they agreed to when they signed up.

    If any member has any doubts or questions about posting, I'll try to provide an explanation.

    Don't worry... Be happy...

    - Sara
    Last edited by SadisticSara; 01-08-2005 at 11:36 PM. Reason: (my spelling mistake!)

  7. #7
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    Am I too strict? I don't think so.
    As long as you are not insisting that we call you Mistress, you are not being too strict. If you want ME to call you Mistress, you'd better have a very convincing reason, like something tied around my sac and an evil grin. That would do it.

    My recollection s that part of the motivation for changing the enforcement of the rules is that it would be to encourage posting (but, hopefully, not to encourage people to post three messages that say "hello" - whatta dork, thanx for getting rid of him). I'm still thinking that more could be done to encourage posting without the carrot and stick thing, but we seem o be doing most of what is traditionally done -- there is a variety of people and viewpoints, decent rate of new messages coming up, etc. (When I first landed here, the forums were sooooo empty...)

    Still need more women -- we have some great ones now, but we can always use more. Muah hah hah hahhhh... Okay, so if I ever run into a ballbuster who is somewhat computer savvy, I'll send her this way (just don't tell her that my real name is Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha).
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    wow is that really the board administrator? sharon? the blonde chic?

    i have the largest orb shaped testicles full of cum that are in my huge sack and i would love to know how much she would take in cash to come and have a go at busting my balls!

    so how would it be sharon?

    there is a price for everything and i might just be able to pay it,

    name a price

  9. #9
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i agree the rules

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    rules and regulations


    I accept the rules and regulations and can understand the reasons for introducing them - it seems pointless having a forum that no-one talks in. However, it is understandable that some people may join what is basically still a taboo forum (female domination is still perceived by a large chunk of society as something not "normal" or even perverse) and feel retiscent about broadcasting what they feel is their "dirty little secret" (albeit wrongly). Hopefully, the measures you have in place will encourage members to talk openly about their turn ons/desires/etc and in turn realise that they are not alone, or abnormal for having the feelings thay do.

    I look forward to joining in on discussions/debates

  11. #11
    Big Supporter Arcane's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Well crap. This answeres the question that I just sent via e-mail. Lol. I'll be staying active. :-)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Smile New place. Same as the old place.

    I posted an introduction in this forum this morning. And now its gone. Did I do something wrong? I've been to this site on and off since I've found it. Now that I'm laid off from work for a short time, I will try my best to post once a week or more.(*_*)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    I not see Topics ? i enjoy it

  14. #14
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Hi all,

    Another long time viewer, first time poster here. Usually I avoid BB forums as they always seem to become spam archives, but this one has survived the test of time so I decided to sign up. I'm a 32 year old male from Ohio. Although I've never been kicked in the balls I've often wondered what it would be like to give myself to a woman for a little sadistic fun.

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by neo_knight_32 View Post
    Hi all,

    Another long time viewer, first time poster here. Usually I avoid BB forums as they always seem to become spam archives, but this one has survived the test of time so I decided to sign up. I'm a 32 year old male from Ohio. Although I've never been kicked in the balls I've often wondered what it would be like to give myself to a woman for a little sadistic fun.
    I know what you mean about ballbusting forums becoming spam pits but it's not only ballbusting forums, it everywhere there is little activity, usually when it comes to fetish - when there are far more guys than gals.
    but as long as this forum keeps guarded - it will be spam free IMO.

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