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Thread: How much weight can be hung from balls?

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  1. #1
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Yes- we been there before

    Check this thread:

    Answer: 110 lbs by one published medical authority. Of course there are always exceptions.


  2. #2
    Sorry, I should’ve been more specific. That thread talks about how much weight (pressure) a testicle can take before rupturing. I was actually interested in how much weight you could hang off a pair (as in the photo).

  3. #3
    Alright, let me put it this way: How hard would she have to pull to rip his nuts off?

  4. #4
    OK, I can see I’m talking to myself! (It’s been known to happen). If this is the case then I think this thread is dead........ it is a dead thread...... it has ceased to be…. and, Sara should consider deleting it.

    I see some reference to hanging very heavy weighs from the testicles or even pulling trucks by the balls on some martial arts sites. There are no photos to prove these claims. Are they bogus? This guy claims to hang 220lbs (100Kg) from his nuts. I do not believe him:

    It’s lonely here,

  5. #5
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Usually, the claims about being able to pull things (trucks, whatever) and lift/carry large amounts of weight are made of the penis, not of the testicles. My guess is that these are from individuals who have overdeveloped pubococcogeous (sp?) muscles (informally known as the PC muscle group, which darn near ever'body can spell). if the references you have seen have been generic references to the "genitals", they almost certainly mean weight that the guy's dick can haul. If they specifically claim that it is their balls that can pull a tractor-trailer uphill, it's bogus. 100Kg? Hey, sorry, no. I don't believe it.

    Hanging a man by the balls was used by some barbaric civilizations (like Texas) as part of the punishment for ****. The weight of a man's body, being suspended by a rope, is enough to break the suckers. Stalin once ordered one of his assistants to be hung be the balls, but added that, if he survived the experience, he was to be drowned in the river, but that if he died, he was to be considered innocent.

    Y'gottah love them psychopaths who become the leaders of powerful countries.

    As for the pic with the chick with the chain on the guy's nads: ask her how hard she pulled before she managed to rip them off. Problem solved.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  6. #6
    It is very good of the Troubled gentleman to come and rescue me. I could’ve been forever stuck in this egoorbis.

    It is apparent that there is not a great deal of interest here in hanging weight from, or pulling, testicles. Perhaps, it just doesn’t cause enough pain. Start a thread on ‘electricity applied to testicles’ and the whole BB world wants a say. I dare say a ‘testicles mashed by potato masher’ thread might do better still. However, I refuse to be beaten (me and my puns!). I quite like to have a beautiful woman pull me around by the testicles. It’s a very good way of ‘putting her in charge’. Careful ‘threading’ of that charge also allows this situation in public without others knowing. Somehow the uncertainly of ‘when’s she gonna pull’ intensifies the excitement of the scenario. I guess I am alone in this so I will let the matter drop.

    PS. This guy did 40Kg

  7. #7
    Well we can all see how much he's done....

  8. #8
    Banned Androzani's Avatar
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    In the caves
    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    Usually, the claims about being able to pull things (trucks, whatever) and lift/carry large amounts of weight are made of the penis, not of the testicles. My guess is that these are from individuals who have overdeveloped pubococcogeous (sp?) muscles (informally known as the PC muscle group, which darn near ever'body can spell). if the references you have seen have been generic references to the "genitals", they almost certainly mean weight that the guy's dick can haul. If they specifically claim that it is their balls that can pull a tractor-trailer uphill, it's bogus. 100Kg? Hey, sorry, no. I don't believe it.
    Its a shame that this thread lost all its pictures

    The guy shown in the link below is definitely using only his balls to pull his jeep with

  9. #9
    Senior Member Colin's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Those truck pulling shots are amazing
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2.jpg  

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